National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism

Check all the winners of National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism.
Year Winner Winner Work
2009 Eula Biss Notes from No Man's Land: American Essays
2008 Seth Lerer Children's Literature: A Reader's History from Aesop to Harry Potter
2007 Alex Ross The Rest Is Noise
2006 Lawrence Weschler Everything That Rises
2005 William Logan The Undiscovered Country
2004 Patrick Neate Where You're at
2003 Rebecca Solnit River of Shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West
2002 William H. Gass Test of Time
2001 Martin Amis The War Against Cliché: Essays and Reviews, 1971-2000
2000 Cynthia Ozick Quarrel & quandary
1999 Jorge Luis Borges Selected Non-fictions
1998 Gary Giddins Visions of Jazz
1997 Mario Vargas Llosa Making Waves
1996 William H. Gass Finding a Form
1995 Robert Darnton The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France
1994 Gerald Early The Culture of Bruising
1993 John Dizikes Opera in America
1992 Garry Wills Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America
1991 Lawrence L. Langer Holocaust Testimonies
1990 Arthur Danto Encounters and Reflections: Art in the Historical Present
1989 John Clive Not by fact alone
1988 Clifford Geertz Works and Lives
1987 Edwin Denby Dance writings
1986 Joseph Brodsky Less than one
1985 William H. Gass Habitations of the Word
1984 Robert Hass Twentieth century pleasures
1983 John Updike Hugging the Shore: Essays and Criticism
1982 Gore Vidal The Second American Revolution and Other Essays
1981 Virgil Thomson A Virgil Thomson Reader
1980 Helen Vendler Part of nature, part of us
1979 Elaine Pagels The Gnostic Gospels
1978 Meyer Schapiro Modern Art
1977 Susan Sontag On Photography
1976 Bruno Bettelheim The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales
1975 Paul Fussell The Great War and Modern Memory