NAS Award in the Neurosciences

Check all the winners of NAS Award in the Neurosciences.
Year Winner Winner Work
2013 Solomon H. Snyder For the elucidation of fundamental mechanisms of chemical signaling, including opiate receptors, NO signaling, and other neurotransmitter/receptor interactions.
2010 Roger Nicoll For his seminal discoveries elucidating cellular and molecular bases for synaptic plasticity in the brain.
2007 Jean-Pierre Changeux For the pioneering discovery that fast-acting neurotransmitters mediate their effects through allosteric regulation of the neurotransmitter protein.
2004 Brenda Milner For her pioneering and seminal investigations of the functioning of the temporal lobes and other brain regions in learning, memory, and speech.
2001 Seymour Benzer For his pioneering contributions which have brought neurogenetics to maturity. Benzer's discoveries in fruit flies have identified specific genes contributing to behaviors of central importance.
1998 Vernon Benjamin Mountcastle For his discovery of the columnar organization of the mammalian cerebral cortex and for original studies relating behavior to function of single cells in higher cortical areas.
1994 Walle Nauta For development of a powerful method for determining connectivity among specific brain sites and thus establishing now-classical circuits in the limbic system.
1991 Paul Greengard For his discovery of the central role played by neuronal phosphoproteins in normal brain function as well as in neuropsychiatric and related disorders.
1988 Seymour S. Kety For developing techniques to measure brain blood flow and metabolism -- valuable tools in the study of brain function that have major applications in clinical medicine.
Louis Sokoloff For developing techniques to measure brain blood flow and metabolism -- valuable tools in the study of brain function that have major applications in clinical medicine.