Locus Award for Best First Novel

Check all the winners of Locus Award for Best First Novel.
Year Winner Winner Work
2009 Paul Melko Singularity's Ring
2008 Joe Hill Heart-Shaped Box: A Novel
2007 Naomi Novik His Majesty's Dragon
2006 Elizabeth Bear Hammered
2005 Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
2004 Cory Doctorow Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
2003 Alexander C. Irvine A Scattering of Jades
2002 Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Dart
2001 Geoffrey A. Landis Mars Crossing
2000 Paul Levinson The Silk Code
1999 Nalo Hopkinson Brown Girl in the Ring
1998 Ian R. MacLeod The Great Wheel
1997 Sarah Zettel Reclamation
1997 Sage Walker Whiteout
1996 Linda Nagata The Bohr Maker
1995 Jonathan Lethem Gun, with Occasional Music
1994 Patricia Anthony Cold Allies
1993 Maureen F. McHugh China Mountain Zhang
1992 Kathe Koja The Cipher
1991 Michael F. Flynn In the Country of the Blind
1990 Allen Steele Orbital Decay
1989 Ian McDonald Desolation Road
1988 Emma Bull War for the Oaks
1987 Jack McDevitt The Hercules Text
1986 Carl Sagan Contact
1985 Kim Stanley Robinson The Wild Shore
1984 R. A. MacAvoy Tea with the Black Dragon
1983 Donald Kingsbury Courtship Rite
1982 S. P. Somtow Starship & Haiku
1981 Robert L. Forward Dragon's Egg