Le Mondes 100 Books of the Century

Check the listing of Le Mondes 100 Books of the Century.
Rank Item
1 The Stranger
2 In Search of Lost Time
3 The Trial
4 The Little Prince
5 Man's Fate
6 Journey to the End of the Night
7 The Grapes of Wrath
8 For Whom the Bell Tolls
9 Le Grand Meaulnes
10 Froth on the Daydream
11 The Second Sex
12 Waiting for Godot
13 Being and Nothingness
14 The Name of the Rose
15 The Gulag Archipelago
16 Paroles
17 Alcools
18 The Blue Lotus
19 The Diary of a Young Girl
20 Tristes Tropiques
21 Brave New World
22 Nineteen Eighty-Four
23 Asterix the Gaul
24 The Bald Soprano
25 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
26 L' oeuvre au noir
27 Lolita
28 Ulysses
29 The Tartar Steppe
30 The Counterfeiters
31 The Horseman on the Roof
32 Belle du Seigneur
33 One Hundred Years of Solitude
34 The Sound and the Fury
35 Thérèse Desqueyroux
36 Zazie in the Metro
37 Confusion of Feelings
38 Gone with the Wind
39 Lady Chatterley's Lover
40 The Magic Mountain
41 Bonjour Tristesse
42 Le Silence de la mer
43 Life A User's Manual
44 The Hound of the Baskervilles
45 Sous le soleil de Satan
46 The Great Gatsby
47 The Joke
48 A ghost at noon
49 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
50 Nadja
51 Aurélien
52 The Satin Slipper
53 Six Characters in Search of an Author
54 The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
55 Friday, or, The Other Island
56 The War of the Worlds
57 Survival In Auschwitz
58 The Lord of the Rings
59 Les Vrilles de la vigne
60 Capitale de la douleur
61 Martin Eden
62 Ballad of the Salt Sea
63 Writing Degree Zero
64 The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum
65 The opposing shore
66 The Order of Things
67 On the Road
68 The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
69 A Room of One's Own
70 The Martian Chronicles
71 The ravishing of Lol Stein
72 Le Procès-Verbal
73 Tropisms
74 Journal, 1887 a 1910
75 Lord Jim
77 The Theatre and its Double
78 Manhattan Transfer
79 Ficciones
80 Moravagine
81 The General of the Dead Army
82 Sophie's Choice
83 Gypsy Ballads
84 The Strange Case of Peter the Lett
85 Our Lady of the Flowers
86 The Man Without Qualities
87 Fureur et mystère
88 The Catcher in the Rye
89 No Orchids for Miss Blandish
90 Blake and Mortimer
91 The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
92 Second Thoughts
93 The Origins of Totalitarianism
94 The Master and Margarita
95 The Rosy Crucifixion
96 The Big Sleep
97 Amers
98 Gaston
99 Under the Volcano
100 Midnight's Children