NAS Award in Chemical Sciences

Check all the winners of NAS Award in Chemical Sciences.
Year Winner Winner Work
2013 Gabor A. Somorjai In recognition of his pioneering experimental and conceptual contributions to the understanding of surface chemistry and catalysis at a microscopic and molecular level.
2012 Tobin J. Marks For groundbreaking contributions to understanding structure and function of catalysts, useful in the production of environmentally friendly plastics and new materials for the benefit of mankind.
2011 Stephen J. Benkovic For groundbreaking contributions to understanding catalysis and complex biological machines \u2014 the purinosome and DNA polymerases \u2014 which demonstrate the power of chemistry to solve biological problems.
2010 Louis E. Brus For his leading role in the development of a fundamental building block for nanoscience, colloidial semiconductor nanocrystals, and for his contributions to our understanding of the quantum effects that control their optical properties.
2009 Joanna Fowler For exceptional accomplishments in the synthesis of positron-emitting chemical probes, and for their implementation in biomedical imaging and studies of in vivo biochemistry, which have had a major impact on human health worldwide.
2008 JoAnne Stubbe For landmark work on the mechanisms and regulation of ribonucleotide reductases, a compelling demonstration of the power of chemical investigations to solve problems in biology.
2007 Robert G. Bergman For numerous innovative contributions at the interfaces of physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry, including the discoveries of alkane carbon-hydrogen bond oxidative addition and 1,4-benzene diradicals.
2006 Samuel J. Danishefsky For his wide-ranging accomplishments in natural products total synthesis and for his pioneering chemical synthesis of carbohydrates for the development of anticancer vaccines.
2005 Thomas C. Bruice For his leading role in the development of bioorganic chemistry, and especially for deep and lasting contributions to the understanding of enzyme mechanisms.
2004 Robert Parr For being a pioneer, leader, and central figure in the development of density functional theory in chemistry and for his deep insights into quantum chemical calculations.
2003 Harry B. Gray For his demonstration of long-range electron tunneling in proteins, his inspirational teaching and mentoring of students, and his unselfish service as a statesman for chemistry.
2002 Elias James Corey For his brilliant and useful contributions to the theory and practice of organic synthesis and to chemical biology and medicine.
2001 John I. Brauman For his wide-ranging contributions to the fundamental understanding of chemical reactivity, especially the acid-base, nucleophilic, and hydrogen-bonding properties of ions and molecules.
2000 Karl Barry Sharpless For his discovery of chemical reactions--the Sharpless Asymmetric Epoxidation, Dihydroxylation, and Aminohydroxylation--which have revolutionized organic chemistry by transforming asymmetric synthesis from near-impossible to routine.
1999 John D. Roberts For defining modern physical organic chemistry--the integration of physical chemistry and organic synthesis applied to the study of the relations between the structure and reactivity of organic molecules.
1998 Allen J. Bard For his fundamental developments in mechanistic electrochemistry, electrochemiluminescence, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry, and scanning electrochemical microscopy.
1997 M. Frederick Hawthorne For his fundamental contributions to boron chemistry, especially his groundbreaking studies of boron hydrides and metallocarboranes and their uses in catalysts and radioimaging.
1996 Ahmed Zewail For carrying out the pioneering work that established the new field of laser femtochemistry, using ultrafast lasers and molecular beams to probe the dynamics of the chemical bond in real time.
1995 Isabella Karle For her development of a method for determining essentially equal-atom crystal and molecular structures by X-ray analysis, thereby profoundly affecting the practice of chemistry.
1994 Koji Nakanishi For his discoveries on the structure of a vast array of important natural products and unique contributions to the role of retinal in vision.
1993 Richard H. Holm For his contributions in unifying the fields of inorganic and biological chemistry through studies of metal clusters and metalloproteins.
1992 Donald J. Cram For elucidation of fundamental questions of stereochemistry and reaction mechanism and for pioneering work on the synthesis and properties of designed inclusion (host-guest) complexes.
1991 Richard Zare For his pioneering laser-based techniques, deep insights, and seminal contributions, which have influenced every facet of chemical reaction dynamics.
1990 F. Albert Cotton For his broad contribution to modern inorganic chemistry and, in particular, for having established the existence and importance of multiple metal-to-metal bonding.
1989 Ronald Breslow For his imaginative invention of novel synthetic methods, his enunciation of the mechanism of enzyme reactions, and his development of systems that mimic enzyme activity.
1988 Harden M. McConnell For his basic studies, which enhanced the power of spectroscopy and increased our understanding of the structural and dynamic properties of membranes in living cells.
1987 Herbert C. Brown For his studies of organoboranes, which revealed important new chemistry and established them as versatile intermediates in synthesis.
1986 Roald Hoffmann For his unifying contributions to chemistry, bringing together theory and experiment; quantum mechanics; and organic, inorganic, organometallic, and solid state chemistry.
1985 Richard Barry Bernstein For his scholarly research, distinguished by pioneering development of new methods, followed by brilliant theoretical and experimental examination of molecular systems having broad impact on current views of chemical reactivity.
1983 Henry Taube For his pioneering work on inorganic reaction mechanisms, specifically his discovery of 'inner-' and 'outer-sphere' mechanisms of electron transfer reactions, which profoundly influenced studies in biochemistry and organic chemistry.
1982 Gilbert Stork For his extraordinarily creative contributions to the synthesis of complex organic molecules by the development of novel methods and strategies.
1981 Bruno H. Zimm For his contributions and influence in theoretical and experimental polymer chemistry, notably his work on polymer interactions, polymer visco-elasticity, the helix coil transition in bio-polymers, the theory of light scattering, and the study of extraordinarily large DNA molecules.
1980 Frank Westheimer For his pioneering studies in applying physical chemistry to the understanding of organic chemistry and enzymatic reactions.
1979 Linus Pauling For his studies, which elucidated in structural terms the properties of stable molecules of progressively higher significance to the chemical, geological, and biological sciences.