Dirac Medal of the Institute of Physics

Check all the winners of Dirac Medal of the Institute of Physics.
Year Winner Winner Work
2008 Bryan Webber For pioneering work in understanding and applying quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of the strong interaction which is one of the three fundamental forces of nature.
2007 David Sherrington
2006 Michael Gillan
2005 John Ellis
2004 Michael Green
2003 Chris Hull
2002 John Howard Hannay
2001 Brian Kidd Ridley
2000 John Cardy
1999 Ian C Percival
1998 David Deutsch
1997 Peter Higgs
1996 John Pendry
1995 Daniel Frank Walls
1994 Volker Heine
1993 David J. Thouless
1992 Anthony James Leggett
1991 Rudolf Peierls
1990 Michael Berry
1989 Roger Penrose
1988 John Stewart Bell
1987 Stephen Hawking