Kavli Prize in Astrophysics

Check all the winners of Kavli Prize in Astrophysics.
Year Winner Winner Work
2010 Raymond N. Wilson for their respective innovations in the field of tele\u001Fscope design that have allowed us glimpses of ever more distant and ancient objects and events in the remote corners of the Universe.
J. Roger Angel for their respective innovations in the field of tele\u001Fscope design that have allowed us glimpses of ever more distant and ancient objects and events in the remote corners of the Universe.
Jerry E. Nelson for their respective innovations in the field of tele\u001Fscope design that have allowed us glimpses of ever more distant and ancient objects and events in the remote corners of the Universe.
2008 Donald Lynden-Bell for their work on quasars.
Maarten Schmidt for their work on quasars.