Physics Awards

Check awards and winners from Physics field.
Check awards, nominations and winners for Albert Einstein Award, Comstock Prize in Physics, Fundamental Physics Prize and Matteucci Medal.
Albert Einstein Award
Comstock Prize in Physics
Fundamental Physics Prize
Matteucci Medal
The Albert Einstein Award was an award in theoretical physics that was established to recognize high achievement in the natural sciences. It was endowed by the Lewis and Rosa Strauss Memorial Fund in honor of Albert Einstein's 70th birthday.
The Comstock Prize in Physics is awarded by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences "for recent innovative discovery or investigation in electricity, magnetism, or radiant energy, broadly interpreted."
The Fundamental Physics Prize is awarded by the Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to awarding physicists involved in fundamental research which was founded in July 2012 by a Russian physicist and internet entrepreneur Yuri Milner.
The Matteucci Medal is an Italian award for physicists, named after Carlo Matteucci. It was established to award physicists for their fundamental contributions. Under an Italian Royal Decree dated July 10, 1870, the Italian Society of Sciences was authorized to receive a donation from Carlo Matteucci for the establishment of the Prize.