Awards & Winners

California Young Reader Medal

The California Young Reader Medal is a set of literary awards conferred upon fiction books elected by California school children from a ballot prepared by committee. From 2002 there are five medal categories, which annually cover books published two to five years ago. The program was established in 1974 with Intermediate, Primary, and Young Adult Medals inaugurated 1975, 1976, and 1977 and conferred biennially. The program is intended to encourage recreational reading and is sponsored by four organizations that promote reading and literacy: the California Association of Teachers of English, the California Library Association, the California Reading Association, and the California School Library Association. There are five medal categories: Primary, Intermediate, Middle School/Junior High, Young Adult, and Picture Books for Older Readers —roughly, age 10 and up. Both author and illustrator receive the Primary and Picture Book Medals, where applicable. 2013 Medals were announced May 1. They will be presented separately at the next annual meetings of the sponsoring organizations.

Check all the Awards, Winners and Nominations for the California Young Reader Medal since 2011.

California Young Reader Medal


Check all the winners of 2011 California Young Reader Medal.
(Click on the Award Name or Winner name to get list of all awards/winners)