Awards & Winners

1959 Canada Gairdner Awards

Check winners and nominations of 1959 Canada Gairdner Awards. Check awards winners of 1959 Canada Gairdner Awards. (Click on the Award name to show winners and nominees)

Gairdner Foundation International Award

Alfred Blalock

(In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of medicine and especially for outstanding achievement in developing an operation for the treatment of congenital heart lesions, thus introducing a new era in cardiac surgery.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

Charles A. Ragan, Harry M. Rose

(In recognition of his contribution to the knowledge of rheumatology and especially for achievement in introducing an agglutination test which has become a valuable investigative procedure in differentiation of rheumatoid arthritis from other rheumatic disĀ­eases, thus revealing a hitherto unknown avenue for the investigation of their origin.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

William D.M. Paton, Eleanor Zaimis

(In recognition of his contribution to the knowledge of pharmacology and especially for meritorious achievement in introducing the methonium compounds, which have played a valuable role in the treatment of hypertension.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

Wilfred Gordon Bigelow

(In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cardiology and especially for his achievement in developing the hypothermia method of open heart surgery.)