Awards & Winners

1974 National Book Award

Check winners and nominations of 1974 National Book Award. Check awards winners of 1974 National Book Awards Ceremony. (Click on the Award name to show winners and nominees)

1974 National Book Awards Ceremony

National Book Award for Fiction

Thomas Pynchon

Honored for : Gravity's Rainbow

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow
Isaac Bashevis Singer A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories
Doris Betts Beasts of the southern wild and other stories
John Cheever The World of Apples
Ellen Douglas Apostles of light
Stanley Elkin Searches and Seizures
John Gardner Nickel mountain
John Leonard Black conceit
Thomas McGuane Ninety-two in the shade.
Wilfrid Sheed People will always be kind
Gore Vidal Burr
Joy Williams State of grace
National Book Award for Fiction

Isaac Bashevis Singer

Honored for : A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow
Isaac Bashevis Singer A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories
Doris Betts Beasts of the southern wild and other stories
John Cheever The World of Apples
Ellen Douglas Apostles of light
Stanley Elkin Searches and Seizures
John Gardner Nickel mountain
John Leonard Black conceit
Thomas McGuane Ninety-two in the shade.
Wilfrid Sheed People will always be kind
Gore Vidal Burr
Joy Williams State of grace
National Book Award for Arts and Letters (Nonfiction)

Pauline Kael

Honored for : Deeper into Movies

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Pauline Kael Deeper into Movies
Daniel Aaron The Unwritten War: American Writers and the Civil War
W. H. Auden Forewords and Afterwords
Clarence Brown Mandelstam
Richard Ellmann Golden Codgers: Biographical Speculations
B. H. Haggin A decade of music
Lillian Hellman Pentimento: A Book of Portraits
Edward Hoagland Walking the dead Diamond River
Lincoln Kirstein Elie Nadelman
Leonard B. Meyer Explaining music
Saul Steinberg The inspector
Kevin Starr Americans and the California dream, 1850-1915
1st of many volumes
National Book Award for Children's Books

Eleanor Cameron

Honored for : The Court of the Stone Children

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Eleanor Cameron The Court of the Stone Children
Alice Childress A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich
Vera Cleaver The whys and wherefores of Littabelle Lee
Bill Cleaver The whys and wherefores of Littabelle Lee
Julia Cunningham The treasure is the rose
Bette Greene Summer of my German soldier
Kristin Hunter Guests in the promised land
E. L. Konigsburg A proud taste for scarlet and miniver
Norma Fox Mazer A Figure of Speech
F. N. Monjo Poor Richard in France
Harve Zemach Duffy and the Devil
National Book Award for Biography

John Leonard Clive

Honored for : Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
John Leonard Clive Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian
Douglas Day Malcolm Lowry: A Biography
Jack H. Adamson Sir Harry Vane: his life and times (1613-1662)
Harold F. Folland Sir Harry Vane: his life and times (1613-1662)
Robert V. Bruce Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the conquest of solitude
Stephen F. Cohen Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution; a political biography, 1888-1938
Lester G. Crocker Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Prophetic Voice, 1758-78 v. 2
Myra Friedman Buried Alive: The Biography of Janis Joplin
William Henry Harbaugh Lawyer's lawyer; the life of John W. Davis
Townsend Hoopes The Devil and John Foster Dulles
Louis Sheaffer O'Neill, Son and Artist
Kathryn Sklar Catharine Beecher; a study in American domesticity
Adam Ulam Stalin: The Man and His Era
National Book Award for Contemporary Affairs

Murray Kempton

Honored for : The Briar Patch

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Murray Kempton The Briar Patch
Peter Davies The Truth About Kent State
John Kenneth Galbraith Economics
Vivian Gornick In search of Ali Mahmoud
Walter Karp Indispensable enemies
Robert Jay Lifton Home from the war
Jessica Mitford Kind and usual punishment
Nora Sayre Sixties going on seventies
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. The Imperial Presidency
Robert Sherrill The Saturday Night Special and Other Guns
National Book Award for Biography

Douglas Day

Honored for : Malcolm Lowry: A Biography

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
John Leonard Clive Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian
Douglas Day Malcolm Lowry: A Biography
Jack H. Adamson Sir Harry Vane: his life and times (1613-1662)
Harold F. Folland Sir Harry Vane: his life and times (1613-1662)
Robert V. Bruce Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the conquest of solitude
Stephen F. Cohen Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution; a political biography, 1888-1938
Lester G. Crocker Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Prophetic Voice, 1758-78 v. 2
Myra Friedman Buried Alive: The Biography of Janis Joplin
William Henry Harbaugh Lawyer's lawyer; the life of John W. Davis
Townsend Hoopes The Devil and John Foster Dulles
Louis Sheaffer O'Neill, Son and Artist
Kathryn Sklar Catharine Beecher; a study in American domesticity
Adam Ulam Stalin: The Man and His Era
National Book Award for History

John Leonard Clive

Honored for : Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
John Leonard Clive Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian
Ray Allen Billington Frederick Jackson Turner: Historian, Scholar, Teacher
Daniel J. Boorstin The Americans, the democratic experience
Frank Burt Freidel Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lawrence M. Friedman A history of American law
Frederic Lane Venice, a maritime republic
Edward Pessen Riches, class, and power before the Civil War
Richard Slotkin Regeneration through violence
Stephan Thernstrom The Other Bostonians, Poverty and Progress in the American Metropolis, 1880-1970
Robert C. Tucker Stalin as Revolutionary, 1879-1929: A Study in History and Personality
National Book Award for Philosophy and Religion

Maurice Natanson

Honored for : Edmund Husserl: Philosopher of Infinite Tasks

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Maurice Natanson Edmund Husserl: Philosopher of Infinite Tasks
Don S. Browning Generative Man: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Harvey Cox Seduction of the Spirit: The Use and Misuse of People's Religion
Erich Fromm The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
Marjorie Grene Sartre
Trent Schroyer The Critique of Domination
Laurence Veysey The Communal Experience: Anarchist and Mystical Communities in Twentieth Century America
Frederic Wakeman History and Will: Philosophical Perspectives of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought
Harry Austryn Wolfson Studies in the History of Philosophy and Religion
Larzer Ziff Puritanism in America: New Culture in a New World
National Book Award for Poetry

Adrienne Rich

Honored for : Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Allen Ginsberg The Fall of America: Poems of These States
Adrienne Rich Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972
Hayden Carruth From snow and rock, from chaos
Evan S. Connell Points for a Compass Rose
Peter Everwine Collecting the Animals
Richard Hugo The Lady in Kicking Horse Reservoir
Donald Justice Departures
Eleanor Lerman Armed Love
Audre Lorde From a Land Where Other People Live
Alice Walker Revolutionary Petunias and Other Poems
Charles Wright Hard Freight
National Book Award for Poetry

Allen Ginsberg

Honored for : The Fall of America: Poems of These States

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Allen Ginsberg The Fall of America: Poems of These States
Adrienne Rich Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972
Hayden Carruth From snow and rock, from chaos
Evan S. Connell Points for a Compass Rose
Peter Everwine Collecting the Animals
Richard Hugo The Lady in Kicking Horse Reservoir
Donald Justice Departures
Eleanor Lerman Armed Love
Audre Lorde From a Land Where Other People Live
Alice Walker Revolutionary Petunias and Other Poems
Charles Wright Hard Freight
National Book Award for The Sciences

Salvador Luria

Honored for : Life: The Unfinished Experiment

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Jeremy Bernstein Einstein
Theodosius Dobzhansky Genetic Diversity & Human Equality
Amitai Etzioni Genetic fix
J.M. Jauch Are Quanta Real?
Ruth Kirk Desert
Susanne Katherina Langer Mind, Vol. II
George Laycock Autumn of the Eagle
Robert I. Levy Tahitians
William T. Powers Behavior, the control of perception
Edwin S. Shneidman Deaths of Man
Salvador Luria Life: The Unfinished Experiment
National Book Award for Translation

Karen Brazell

Honored for : The Confessions of Lady Nijo

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Helen Lane Alternating current
Jackson Matthews Monsieur Teste
Kimon Friar Modern Greek Poetry: from Cavafis to Elytis
Anthony Hecht Seven against Thebes
Helen H. Bacon Seven against Thebes
Anthony Kerrigan The tragic sense of life in men and nations
Michael Kowal Essays on European literature
Ralph Manheim From the Diary of a Snail
W. S. Merwin Asian figures
Burton Watson The Old Man Who Does As He Pleases: Selections From The Poetry and Prose of Lu Yu
Sophie Wilkins The lime works
Karen Brazell The Confessions of Lady Nijo
National Book Award for Translation

Helen Lane

Honored for : Alternating current

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Helen Lane Alternating current
Jackson Matthews Monsieur Teste
Kimon Friar Modern Greek Poetry: from Cavafis to Elytis
Anthony Hecht Seven against Thebes
Helen H. Bacon Seven against Thebes
Anthony Kerrigan The tragic sense of life in men and nations
Michael Kowal Essays on European literature
Ralph Manheim From the Diary of a Snail
W. S. Merwin Asian figures
Burton Watson The Old Man Who Does As He Pleases: Selections From The Poetry and Prose of Lu Yu
Sophie Wilkins The lime works
Karen Brazell The Confessions of Lady Nijo
National Book Award for Translation

Jackson Matthews

Honored for : Monsieur Teste

Nominations »

Nominee Nominated Work
Helen Lane Alternating current
Jackson Matthews Monsieur Teste
Kimon Friar Modern Greek Poetry: from Cavafis to Elytis
Anthony Hecht Seven against Thebes
Helen H. Bacon Seven against Thebes
Anthony Kerrigan The tragic sense of life in men and nations
Michael Kowal Essays on European literature
Ralph Manheim From the Diary of a Snail
W. S. Merwin Asian figures
Burton Watson The Old Man Who Does As He Pleases: Selections From The Poetry and Prose of Lu Yu
Sophie Wilkins The lime works
Karen Brazell The Confessions of Lady Nijo