Awards & Winners

William Virgil Davis

Date of Birth 1940
Place of Birth United States of America
(Americas, DVD Region 1, United States, with Territories, Lacks Family Cemetery )
Nationality United States of America
Profession Poet, Professor
William Virgil Davis is an American poet. He has published poems in Poetry, The Nation, The Hudson Review, The Georgia Review, The Hopkins Review, The Gettysburg Review, The New Criterion, The Sewanee Review, The Atlantic Monthly, Denver Quarterly, and Shenandoah, among others. He has also published several books of literary criticism, as well as critical essays in numerous periodicals. He is Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence at Baylor University.

Awards by William Virgil Davis

Check all the awards nominated and won by William Virgil Davis.


New Criterion Poetry Prize
Honored for : Landscape and Journey