Awards & Winners

2001 National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Check winners and nominations of 2001 National Medal of Technology and Innovation. Check awards winners of 2001 National Medal of Technology and Innovation. (Click on the Award name to show winners and nominees)

National Medal of Technology and Innovation

John A. Ewen

(For his basic discoveries and inventions in the field of metallocene catalysis which have revolutionized the production of polyethylene and polypropylene plastics, thereby enhancing American leadership and stimulating the growth of the entire industry.)
National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Arun Netravali

(For his leadership in the field of communication systems; for pioneering contributions that transformed TV from analog to digital, enabling numerous integrated circuits, systems and services in broadcast TV, CATV, DBS, HDTV, and multimedia over the Internet; and for technical expertise and leadership, which have kept Bell Labs at the forefront in communications technology.)
National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Sidney Pestka

(For pioneering achievements that led to the development of the biotechnology industry, to the first recombinant interferons for the therapy of cancers, leukemias, viral diseases such as hepatitis B and C, and multiple sclerosis, to fundamental technologies leading to other biotherapeutics; and for basic scientific discoveries in chemistry, biochemistry, genetic engineering and molecular biology from protein biosynthesis to receptors and cell signaling.)
National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Jerry Woodall

(For his pioneeriong role in the research and development of compound semiconductor materials and devices; for the invention and development of technologically and commercially important compound semiconductor heterojunction materials, processes, and related devices, such as light-emitting diodes, lasers, ultra-fast transistors, and solar cells.)
National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Dow Chemical Company

(For leadership in science and technology, for the vision to create great science and innovative technology in the chemical industry, and for the positive impact that commercialization of this technology has had on society.)

Yearwise list of National Medal of Technology and Innovation Winners