Nader Engheta is an Iranian-American scientist. He is currently the H. Nedwill Ramsey Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, affiliated with the departments of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Bioengineering, and Physics and Astronomy.
He has made significant contributions to the fields of metamaterials, transformation optics, plasmonic optics, nanophotonics, graphene photonics, nano-materials, nanoscale optics, nanoantennas and miniaturized antennas, physics and reverse-engineering of polarization vision in nature, bio-inspired optical imaging, fractional paradigm in electrodynamics, and electromagnetics and microwaves.
He is the originator of the new area of optical metatronics, i.e., metamaterial-based optical nano circuitry, in which properly designed nano structures function as "lumped' optical circuit elements such as optical capacitors, optical inductors and optical resistors. These are the building blocks for the metatronic circuits operating with light. This concept has been recently verified and realized experimentally by him and his research group at the University of Pennsylvania. This provides a new circuit paradigm for information processing at the nanoscale.