Steven Alan Orszag was an American mathematician. He was the Percey F. Smith Professor of Mathematics at Yale University from 2000 until his death in 2011, having joined the Yale faculty in 1998. Earlier, he was the Forrest E. Hamrick Professor of Engineering at Princeton University and Professor of Applied Mathematics at MIT. He received his B.S. in Mathematics from MIT where he was a member of the Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity, went to Great Britain to do post-graduate work at Cambridge University, followed by a Ph.D. at Princeton in Astrophysics, and was a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study. He has won numerous awards including Sloan Fellowship and Guggenheim Fellowship, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Fluid and Plasmadynamics Award, the Otto Laporte Award of the American Physical Society, and the Society of Engineering Science's G. I. Taylor Medal.
Orszag specialized in fluid dynamics, especially turbulence, computational physics and mathematics, electronic chip manufacturing, computer storage system design, and other topics in scientific computing. His work included the development of spectral methods, pseudo-spectral methods, direct numerical simulations, renormalization group methods for turbulence, and very-large-eddy simulations. He was the founder of and/or chief scientific adviser to a number of companies, including Flow Research, Ibrix, Vector Technologies, and Exa Corp. He has been awarded 6 patents and has written over 400 archival papers.