Margit Frenk Freund, sometimes known by her married name, Margit Frenk Alatorre is a Mexican-German philologist, folklorist and translator. She has been an Academic Numerary of the Mexican Language Academy since 1993. She is also a Doctor Honoris Causa at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Frenk's parents moved the family to Mexico in 1930. In 1946, she spent some time at Bryn Mawr College on a scholarship, studying English Literature and Spanish Theater of the 16th Century. This was followed by a few years at Berkeley, where she taught Spanish, learned Italian and studied Spanish Literature.
After obtaining her MA, she returned home to study at the College of Mexico, where she was a professor and researcher from 1950 to 1980, except for a brief stay in Paris to attend classes by Marcel Bataillon. She was a collaborator on the Nueva Revista de FilologÃa Hispánica, which was managed by Raimundo Lida and, later, by Antonio Alatorre, who she married. Beginning in 1958, she was the coordinator for a group of researchers who, between 1975 and 1985, produced the five volume Mexican Folk Songbook.