Awards & Winners

Dwarf Stars Award

The Dwarf Stars Award is an annual award presented by the Science Fiction Poetry Association to the author of the best horror, fantasy, or science fiction poem of ten lines or fewer published in the previous year. The award was established in 2006 as a counterpoint to the Rhysling Award, which is given by the same organization to horror, fantasy, or science fiction poems of any length. Poems are submitted to the association by the poets, from which approximately 30 are chosen by an editor to be published in an anthology each fall. Members of the association then vote on the published poems, and first through third place winners are announced. The 2006 anthology was edited by Deborah P. Kolodji, the 2007–09 issues were co-edited by Kolodji and Stephen M. Wilson, the 2010–11 issues by Joshua Gage, the 2012 volume by Gage and Geoffrey A. Landis, and the 2013 volume by Wilson and Linda D. Addison. During the eight nomination years, twenty-four poems by sixteen poets have been selected as third place or better, of which eight poets have won outright. Jane Yolen has been noted three times, once in each placement, Deborah P. Kolodji has received a first and a second place, Greg Beatty a first and a third place, Sonya Taaffe has received two second place results, and Ann K. Schwader has received two third place results.

Check all the Awards, Winners and Nominations for the Dwarf Stars Award since 2009.

Dwarf Stars Award


Check all the winners of 2009 Dwarf Stars Award.
(Click on the Award Name or Winner name to get list of all awards/winners)
Geoffrey A. Landis
Honored for : Fireflies