Awards & Winners

Premios Juventud

Premios Juventud is an awards show for Spanish-speaking celebrities in the areas of film, music, sports, fashion, and pop culture, presented by the television network Univision. Winners are determined by online vote at Premios Juventud is set apart by their unique categories, including "Me muero sin ese CD", "Mi concierto favorito", and "La más pegajosa". Past winners have included people such as Juanes, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, Thalía, RBD, Antonio Banderas, Maná, and Jennifer Lopez.

|   2013 Premios Juventud  |   2011 Premios Juventud  |   2009 Premios Juventud  |
Premios Juventud Nominations
Check all the Awards, Winners and Nominations for the Premios Juventud since 2009.

Premios Juventud


Check all the winners of 2013 Premios Juventud.
(Click on the Award Name or Winner name to get list of all awards/winners)