Awards & Winners

Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service

The Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service is presented by the Science Fiction Research Association for outstanding service activities. Particularly recognized are: promotion of SF teaching and study, editing, reviewing, editorial writing, publishing, organizing meetings, mentoring, and leadership in SF/fantasy organizations. Previous winners include: 1996 - Frederik Pohl 1997 - James Gunn 1998 - Elizabeth Anne Hull 1999 - David G. Hartwell 2000 - Arthur O. Lewis 2001 - Donald "Mack" Hassler 2002 - Joan Gordon 2003 - Joe Sanders 2004 - Patricia Warrick 2005 - Muriel Becker 2006 - Paul Kincaid 2007 - Michael Levy 2008 - Andrew Sawyer 2009 - Hal Hall 2010 - David Mead 2011 - The Tiptree Motherboard

Check all the Awards, Winners and Nominations for the Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service since 1996.

Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service


Check all the winners of 2009 Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service.
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