Awards & Winners

1965 Canada Gairdner Awards

Check winners and nominations of 1965 Canada Gairdner Awards. Check awards winners of 1965 Canada Gairdner Awards. (Click on the Award name to show winners and nominees)

Gairdner Foundation International Award

Charles Philippe Leblond

(In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cellular biology by developing the technique of autoradiography with which he has studied the functioning of the thyroid gland and the rate of cell growth and renewal in various tissues of the body.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

Jerome W. Conn

(In recognition of his contributions in the field of endocrinology and in particular for his investigations establishing the clinical significance of aldosterone, a hormone of the adrenal cortex, in various types of hypertension and edema; also in recognition of his studies in the use of oral medications for the control of diabetes.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

Robin Coombs

(In recognition of his contributions in the development of serological techniques and in particular for the test he introduced to detect the presence of Rh antibodies on red blood cells. This discovery has been fundamental to advances in the field of blood transfusion and has increased our understanding of diseases in which antibodies seem to be involved.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

Charles Enrique Dent

(In recognition of his contributions in the field of human metabolism and his role as the first to apply the technique of paper chromatography to the isolation and identification of substances in the blood and body fluids of patients, a technique which has revolutionized investigation of a number of genetic disorders involving amino acids and other substances.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

Daniel J. McCarty

(In recognition of his contributions in the field of rheumatology and in particular for his demonstration that crystals of uric acid and calcium in the fluids in and about the joints are ingested by leukocytes which then release a substance which causes an inflammatory reaction. This discovery has had a bearing on the mechanism of acute attacks of gout and may also contribute to better knowledge of the causes of rheumatoid arthritis.)
Gairdner Foundation International Award

Frederick Horace Smirk

(In recognition of his total contribution to our understanding of the causes and treatment of hypertension and in particular for his clinical evaluation of nerve-blocking drugs in the treatment of high blood pressure.)