Awards & Winners

1974 National Medal of Science

Check winners and nominations of 1974 National Medal of Science. Check awards winners of 1974 National Medal of Science. (Click on the Award name to show winners and nominees)

National Medal of Science for Physical Science

Nicolaas Bloembergen

(For pioneering applications of magnetic resonance to the study of condnesed matter and for subsequent scientific investigations and inventions concerning the interaction of amtter with coherent radiation.)
National Medal of Science for Biological Sciences

Britton Chance

(For his contributions to our knowledge of cellular and subcellular physiology made through work on enzyme-substrate complexes, on the kinetics of enzyme action, and on the mechanism and control of membrane-bound elecron transfer during cellular respiration.)
National Medal of Science for Biological Sciences

Erwin Chargaff

(For fundamental chemical and biological studies establishing the basis for modern concepts of the mechanisms of protein synthesis and the genetic role of nucleic acids.)
National Medal of Science for Physical Science

Paul Flory

(For his outstanding contributions to our understanding of the modes of formation and structure of polymeric substances.)
National Medal of Science for Physical Science

William Alfred Fowler

(For his scientific contributions to nuclear physics and astrophysics, which permitted him to span both disciplines to unravel the nuclear processes that control the evolution of stars.)
National Medal of Science for Mathematics and Computer Science

Kurt Gödel

(For laying the foundation for today's flourishing study of mathematical logic.)
National Medal of Science for Engineering

Rudolf Kompfner

(For his invention of the traveling-wave tube and for major contributions to communication satellites and to optical communications.)
National Medal of Science for Biological Sciences

James V. Neel

(For pioneering achievements in creating the science of human genetics and discovering the genetic basis of several human diseases.)
National Medal of Science for Physical Science

Linus Pauling

(For the extraordinary scope and power of his imagination, which has led to basic contributions in such diverse fields as structural chemistry and the nature of chemical bonding, molecular biology, immunology, and the nature of genetic diseases.)
National Medal of Science for Engineering

Ralph Brazelton Peck

(For his development of the science and art of subsurface engineering, combining the contributions of the sciences of geology and soil mechanics with the practical art of foundation design.)
National Medal of Science for Physical Science

Kenneth Pitzer

(For his pioneering application of statistical thermodynamics and spectroscopy to our understanding of the properties of organic and inorganic materials.)
National Medal of Science for Biological Sciences

James Augustine Shannon

(For outstanding leadership in biomedical research following an earlier career in distinguished laboratory investigation of kidney function and antimalarial drugs.)
National Medal of Science for Engineering

Abel Wolman

(For significant improvements in the environment and in the health and prosperity of large populations through the development of better water supply and wastewater systems for cities, regions, and entire nations.)